Welcome to our final edition of Let’s Go To The Movies!! Last but not least is the top 10 movies of Stef!!
Check it out!!!
10. ATL
9. The Pursuit of Happiness
8. Deja Vu
7. Clueless
6. Twilight Series
5. Stepmom
4. Blue Streak
3. Hocus Pocus
2. Jurassic Park

Stephanie when she was little at Jurassic Park!
and the number one movie is…….
1. E.T.
We hope you enjoyed our photo studio fun blog series on all the Cloud 9 staffers top 10 favorite movies and hopefully you got to know each of us a little bit better!!
Remember this entire year of 2018 our specialty portraits theme is Cloud 9 at the Movies (www.cloud9atthemovies.com)! Our next session coming up is our “May the Fourth Be With You” Star Wars inspired studio sessions. Check out www.spacedaysportraits.com for more information!