A sprinkle of fairy dust, a bit of hair and makeup, enchanting couture gowns and giggles for days… That is the perfect description of how our Midsummer Night Dream Fairy Portrait Sessions went a few weeks ago.
Each little girl that came into the studio, regardless of age, was beaming from ear to ear the entire time. Their excitement for getting to play dress up and dance around the studio was hard to contain. Good thing we only had to contain it while our “fairy godmother” was curling their hair!

Each girl selected her favorite gown and headpiece. Then we moved onto the enchanted set and let them dance around with a wand, kiss a frog, blow kisses to butterflies, walk through the garden gates, throw flowers in the air and did I mention dance?

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it”

You know it is an enchanting day when the girls even look beautiful when facing backwards! Seriously, how gorgeous is this image!?

“I prefer the company of happy people who are believers in magic … and of magical people who are believers in happy.”

“May the light of the Sun, Moon and Stars, guide your path for many years to come.”

“Though she be but little, she is fierce!”
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Now that we have sprinkled the magic fairy dust in the studio, I do believe we will have to bring back our enchanted portraits again in 2020. If you want to be sure to get on the list when the new set is revealed, get yourself on our mailing list! (scroll back to the top, look to your right, the signup is there!)